Wonder Woman 1984 movie review - Aussieboyreviews


WW84 holds plenty of enjoyable action. However, fans will likely be disappointed with this sequel’s focus throughout the story, and it’s not as entertaining.


Now living under a low-profile as a curator, only using her heroic powers incognito and just reuniting with Steve, Diana finds herself battling Maxwell Lord, a businessman whose desire for wealth turns the world to destruction, and the Cheetah, an enemy who used to be her friend.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Patty Jenkins
Cast: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen
Writer: Patty Jenkins, Geoff Johns, David Callaham
Release Date (Australia): 26 December 2020
Runtime: 151 minutes/2h 31m
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (PG)

The film features themes in the form of action sequences that feature senses of threat and peril and the use of fantasy powers. There is also a scene of sexual harassment.

Violence (M)

The film contains sequences of action violence that feature shooting and the use of fantasy powers. There are infrequent depictions of small amounts of blood detail.

Coarse Language (PG)

The film includes infrequent coarse language including singular uses each of the words “s**t”, “bitch” and “bastards”.

Sex (PG)

The film includes a verbal reference to a sex tape and very mild sexual references.

mpaa rating

PG-13 (for sequences of action and violence)

Aussie boy's thoughts

WW84 is an enjoyable sequel with multiple action sequences, but it’s really just a lazy excuse to have fans return to Wonder Woman. To be specific, WW84 lands simply on what Gal Gadot’s character is doing in the present time, which obviously relates to her work and her new reconnection with Chris Pine’s Steve.

Wonder Woman 1984 manages to be entertaining, but fans will discover a massive load of prolonged life dramas over action sequences and superhero themes. By this large component itself, a lazy amount of effort was all that was placed into the creation of this movie. Not even some excellent new characters executed by Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig can save the day, which is what Wonder Woman should be doing.

The music, action clips and bright ideas in the trailer get fans excited for this movie, but don’t get your hopes up, because it’s not at all like that. Patty Jenkins’ execution is going to let big fans down.

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