Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith movie review - Aussieboyreviews


Without a doubt, Star Wars: Episode III is the darkest, most graphic and emotional chapter in the series so far. Due to violence, this film is best left to older-kid fans of the series.


After Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan free Palpatine from the grasp Count Doku, Anakin soon falls prey to Palpatine who lures him into a sinister plan to rule the galaxy.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: George Lucas
Cast: Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid, Samuel L. Jackson, Christopher Lee, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker
Writer: George Lucas
Release Date (Australia): 19 May 2005
Runtime: 140 minutes/2h 20m
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (M)

The film contains science fiction themes and disturbing scenes, as well as thematic material relating to death during childbirth and betrayal.

Violence (M)

The film contains depictions of dismemberment, decapitation, shootings and stabbings with the use of fantasy weapons. There is also a scene in which a man is depicted setting on fire and burning.

mpaa rating

PG-13 (for sci-fi violence and some intense images)

Aussie boy's thoughts

Revenge of the Sith is the star of the prequel-trilogy, in which we’re able to witness the dark, moody and disturbing background of the iconic Star Wars villain, Darth Vader. The previous chapters, Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace, began to form an understanding of the events before the original trilogy. And although they were mostly quite bland, they cautiously lead up to Revenge of the Sith, which was actually the perfect connection to A New Hope.

The greatest prequel-chapter obviously highlights some original Star Wars charm, right? No, this chapter is decent but it’s still very different to the original classics. If anything, Revenge of the Sith gifts us with much more action and better special effects. Clearly, the previous films couldn’t do it as well due to their ages, but it’s seriously amazing to have it here. There’s an increased amount of the exhilarating lightsaber fights and a massive splash of a much darker tone.

The darkness is a result of the ideas, the execution and especially the performances. Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of a moody, dark-sided Anakin is extremely dramatic, to either love or hate. Alongside the emotions of his character are emotions and great focuses on other brilliant characters who were executed magnificently by stars Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid and even the memorable Samuel L. Jackson. The ideas are good, but the likability is decreased by the slow moments of dialogue that, unlike the previous in the trilogy, are targeted at a fairly more engaging subject.

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