There Will Be Blood movie review - Aussieboyreviews


Although it’s a decent movie and has received brilliant reviews, There Will Be Blood isn’t the biggest masterpiece. The acting is excellent, but the story is slow and is best for teens.


A ruthless oil prospector uses his adopted son as he goes on a relentless pursuit to become the most powerful oil tycoon and make a fortune.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Cast: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O’Connor, Ciarán Hinds, Dillon Freasier, Kevin J. O’Connor, Russell Harvard
Writer: Paul Thomas Anderson
Release Date (Australia): 9 February 2008
Runtime: 158 minutes/2h 38m
Genre: Drama
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (M)

The film contains thematic elements such as depictions of murder and workplace injuries and deaths.

Violence (M)

A man is depicted implicitly beating another man over the head with an object, accompanied by depictions of blood detail.

Coarse Language (PG)

The film includes use of the word “bastard”, in addition to infrequent uses of “s**t”, “ass” and “goddamn”.

mpaa rating

R (for some violence)

Aussie boy's thoughts

There Will Be Blood centres on this effectively chilling tone formed mainly by Daniel Day-Lewis’ phenomenal performance, but the structure burns a little too slowly. It’s not necessarily something you’d describe as “overlong” or “boring”, but the plot isn’t quick or completely entertaining. One of the best things is how the story does manage to unsettlingly shift towards these heavy twists and deep dramas in a context that’ll set audiences processing the epic they’ve just seen for a decent amount of time.

Daniel Day-Lewis definitely masters in executing his character, delivering no single flaw and totally stealing the show. Along with the talented performances, there’s the incredible use of eerie and unsettling music that only increases the deep tone and the anticipation for where the build-up will lead to.

Although it’s extremely slow-burning, the film does keep you captivated with the chief formed by many masterful talents: the tone. Again, there’s a deep tone and a heavy build-up towards a chilling ending you’ll never forget. At times within its dialogue, there’s a large handful of confusing discussions that are all left to you to figure out. Is this movie a masterpiece? The performances, direction, soundtrack and tone are magnificent, but it just moves too slowly to be perfect.

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