the breakfast club movie review - Aussieboyreviews
Written, directed and co-produced by the gifted John Hughes, The Breakfast Club is an entertaining, funny and sometimes tough coming-of-age film. It’s great for teens and is even relatable.
Five high school students with different personalities and egos meet in detention held in their school library on a Saturday morning. Soon, they end up becoming close buddies as they realise they have a lot more in common than they thought.
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Movie details
Director: John Hughes
Cast: Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Ally Sheedy, Paul Gleason
Writer: John Hughes
Release Date (Australia): 2 May 1985
Runtime: 97 minutes/1h 37m
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
The film includes adolescent themes, as well as references to bullying, a character’s suicide attempt, and abuse in which a character shows a cigarette burn inflicted by his father.
A teenager pins another teenager to the ground.
The film contains use of coarse language, including the words “f**k”, “s**t”, “ass”, “bitch”, “d**k” and “damn”.
The film features multiple references to marijuana and a lengthy scene in which teenagers are depicted smoking marijuana joints.
The film features multiple moderate references to sex and virginity throughout.
mpaa rating
R (for an unknown reasoning)
Aussie boy's thoughts
John Hughes’ coming-of-age classic, The Breakfast Club, starts off as your regular teen detention tale. But as it progresses, it actually executes some great laughs and, most memorably, deeply digs into dramatic dialogue that often feels relatable. He unrolls this teenage high school story during a plot in which students are forced to go to school for “Saturday detention”, after they did things that got them into… well, detention.
This coming-of-age comedy-drama built for teen viewers is pretty easy at highlighting what the entire film is going to be about. It’s all gonna be set in the school building, other than the drop-off and pick-up during the opening and ending scenes, and the conversation between the realistic teenage characters are gonna rise because of their personalities.
Judd Nelson portrays the character who really sparks up the dialogue and the events, and when the conversation during the first around-40 minutes starts becoming very mildly tiring, the characters continue to get to know each other as they run around the school, smoke marijuana and simply just act like teenagers, whilst their principle remains unapproved and confused relating to what’s going on.
The portrayal of teens is realistic, but Hughes’ does share some decent laughs with us. Although it’s usually entertaining and just fun, the final 30 minutes would have to define the adoration for The Breakfast Club. As the teens sit and chat, they discuss topics that are genuinely engaging to keep around for. However, all their venting and emotions are relatable, making this movie truly memorable for what it is.
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