Searching movie review - Aussieboyreviews


The themes of this film are very gripping and are best for older kids at least. However, this mystery is entertaining and exciting, with superb acting.


A desperate father files a police complaint after his daughter goes missing. But when he checks her laptop and social media, a long string of clues and truths unravel.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Aneesh Chaganty
Cast: John Cho, Debra Messing, Michelle La, Joseph Lee
Writer: Aneesh Chaganty, Sev Ohanian
Release Date (Australia): 8 June 2018
Runtime: 102 minutes/1h 42m
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (PG)

The film contains thematic content in the form of references to murder, suicide, sexual assault and kidnapping.

Violence (PG)

The film contains a scene in which characters implicitly sustain injuries after punching each other. Bruises are also depicted.

Coarse Language (M)

The film contains a single use of the word “f**king” and infrequent use of the word “s**t”.

Drug Use (PG)

The film contains references to marijuana use and images that feature depictions of marijuana smoking.

Sex (PG)

The film features multiple verbal and visual sexual references.

mpaa rating

PG-13 (for thematic content, some drug and sexual references, and for language)

Aussie boy's thoughts

An exceedingly gripping mystery that’s flawlessly-crafted, frequently jaw-dropping, and features a remarkably detailed performance. Free from any forms of defect and entirely clenching for 100 minutes, Searching is a stirring mystery film that entertains you as it builds numerous layers of suspense.

This is a successful example of the result of clear and clever storytelling through a laptop screen. Although plenty of screen-style movies like Unfriended end up dissatisfying most viewers, Searching is superbly entertaining, twisted and is certainly worth your time. It’s amazing how a movie can be this great whilst completely being portrayed off a laptop screen. Pretty much every detail and mystery always ends up being connected to the plot’s case; no need to fret, you’ll feel satisfied and fulfilled all by the end.

This film is so compelling and entertaining, but other than the brilliantly-designed mystery, John Cho owns a winning performance. Searching’s acting is incredibly detailed, lifelike and realistic; you’ll end up forgetting it’s a fictional story and automatically believe it’s an actual crisis happening at the exact moment it plays.

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