Official Secrets movie review - Aussieboyreviews


This presentation of real events is interesting, gripping and undeniably well-made. Official Secrets is a 2019 drama starring Keira Knightley, best for teens and adults.


British whistleblower Katharine Gun is an intelligence specialist who leaks secret information to the press about an illegal NSA spy operation that fights for the Iraq invasion.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Gavin Hood
Cast: Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Matthew Goode, Rhys Ifans, Adam Bakri, Ralph Fiennes
Writer: Gregory Bernstein, Sara Bernstein, Gavin Hood
Release Date (Australia): 21 November 2019
Runtime: 112 minutes/ 1h 52m
Genre: Biography, Drama, Crime
Country: UK, USA
Language: English


Themes (M)

The film includes war footage including brief images of dead bodies, in addition to thematic material relating to government corruption.

Coarse Language (MA15+)

The film includes infrequent use of the word “c**t”, in addition to use of the words “f**k”, “s**t”, “arse” and “bloody”.

Sex (PG)

The film includes visual sexual references, including depictions of a partially nude couple lying on top of each other and kissing in bed.

mpaa rating

R (for language)

Aussie boy's thoughts

Official Secrets lands flawlessly on its compelling real-life topic and uses its time very wisely, always remaining on solid motion. The entire story of Katharine Gun is eye-opening, moving, well-acted, well-depicted and the flaws, if there are any, are usually ditched in unnoticeable corners.

What’s best about the entire true story is what Katharine Gun did. She not only leaked a document, but she released the truth and risked her life and career in this process. Official Secrets is a very, very well-crafted political movie. But it’s not the boring or uninteresting political film; the story is structured and executed in a smoothly steady fashion, leading to entertain the viewers and even exhilarate the viewers with just how interesting the events are.

The screenwriting is admirable, the directing is marvellous and the performances are highly unforgettable. It’s very moving and steadily paced; do not ignore this movie if you’re fascinated by the concept of an honourable whistleblower who marks the best political film of all time.

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