Let Him Go movie review - Aussieboyreviews


The first half of the film definitely focuses on a slower pace, but the excitement and tension really picks up and makes it worth it. Let Him Go is a likeable drama-thriller with violence and mature themes.


A retired sheriff and his wife, grieving over the death of their son, set out to find and help their daughter-in-law and their grandson from the security of her abusive husband and his family.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Thomas Bezucha
Cast: Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Lesley Manville, Kayli Carter, Jeffrey Donovan, Booboo Stewart, Ryan Bruce
Writer: Thomas Bezucha
Release Date (Australia): 4 February 2021
Runtime: 114 minutes/1h 54m
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Crime
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (M)

Thematic material includes physical abuse, grief and references to death as a result of a horse accident.

Violence (M)

The film contains scenes of violence and injury detail, including a man’s fingers being cut off with a hatchet and people being shot with occasional depictions of blood spatter.

Coarse Language (G)

The film includes uses of “damn” and “hell”.

Sex (G)

A couple are viewed kissing passionately. 

mpaa rating

R (for violence)

Aussie boy's thoughts

A uniquely dark-toned thriller that steadily takes its time to process mature subject matter, but lands heavily on violent and solid tension. Let Him Go is the mesmerizing and electrifying execution based on the novel written by Larry Watson. There’s no doubt that readers who adored the book will appreciate its motion picture.

The first half of the movie, which begins with brilliant character development but starts the long journey towards the location of the climax, is slow for the most part, but is still an effective process. Thanks to Diane Lane’s and Kevin Costner’s thorough performances, it’s easy to be compelled in the story and own sympathy for this determined elderly couple. Thomas Bezucha’s writing for the story may be satisfactory, but his excellent execution and form of direction makes up for it.

Then you’ve got the antagonists, who are each very fascinating, well-acted and intense, but there’s probably still not enough time or effort for the backstage of their characteristics. Every member of the cast truly makes up for the noticeable flaws of this movie. But from the Blackledge couple meeting the Weboys, there’s extremely solid and occasionally jaw-dropping tension. Thomas Bezucha clearly knows exactly how to shock and excite an audience, and he uses that technique right there. Let Him Go is a thrilling drama that you’ll likely never forget, but won’t remember as completely perfect either.

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