jojo rabbit movie review - Aussieboyreviews


The film is definitely comical, but there’s tragedy and disturbing scenes. Jojo Rabbit is a silly but occasionally serious drama about a boy discovering that his mother is hiding a Jew in their home and is best for teens.


Jojo is a young German boy in the Hitler Youth whose hero and imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler. His strong beliefs are shortly shaken when he finds his mother has hidden a Jewish girl in their house.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Taika Waititi
Cast:Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Taika Waititi, Rebel Wilson, Stephen Merchant, Alfie Allen, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson
Writer: Taika Waititi
Release Date: 26 December 2019
Runtime: 108 minutes/1h 48m
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War
Country: Czech Republic, USA, New Zealand
Language: English


Themes (M)

Thematic content includes war, antisemitism and the public hangings of Jews. 

Violence (M)

The film includes WWII battle scenes including depictions of bloody injuries and soldiers being shot. There is also a brief stabbing accompanied by a small amount of blood detail.

Coarse Language (M)

There are several uses of the words “damn”, “ass” and “s**t”, in addition to a single use of the term “f**k off”.

Sex (PG)

There are references to soldiers “having sex with dogs”.

mpaa rating

PG-13 (for mature thematic content, some disturbing images, violence, and language)

Aussie boy's thoughts

Taika definitely knows how to organise a comical, devastating and original satire. But it’s unfortunately not as replayable as the critics state. What this fictional comedy should be remembered for is the fact that it’s not just graphic full-on depictions of battles in WWII; the witty characters and touching portrayals of tale are delightful and memorable.

Roman Griffin Davis and Taika Waititi fulfil delivering humorous characters throughout the entire runtime of the film. Jojo Rabbit is fair and funny before it leads to an attaching tragedy concluding with laughs and heart. Teens will love how the story can represent both multiple heavy and light-hearted moments, but is also engaging and worth a watch.

What ruins the story is how increasingly lumpy and slow it moves. It’s a charming satire with imagination and friendship. Jojo Rabbit isn’t precisely what you were anticipating for, but is enough for a touch, a giggle and wacky fiction.

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