Goodfellas movie review - Aussieboyreviews


Goodfellas is an entertaining and gripping, but a very violent crime classic. It’s definitely not for kids, but it’s another impressive movie by director Martin Scorsese.


Henry Hill and his friends Jimmy and Tommy begin the climb from being a soft criminal to a full-on gangster on the streets of New York.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: Martin Scorsese
Cast: Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, Paul Sorvino
Writer: Nicholas Pileggi, Martin Scorsese
Release Date (Australia): 18 October 1990
Runtime: 146 minutes/2h 26m
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama
Country: USA
Language: English


Themes (MA15+)

The film contains strong themes of crime and murder.

Violence (R18+)

The film includes beatings, shootings and stabbings that frequently feature accompanying blood spurts, spatters and graphic blood detail.

Coarse Language (MA15+)

The film includes very frequent uses of “f**k”.

Drug Use (M)

There are brief depictions of people snorting cocaine.

Sex (M)

The film features a brief depiction of oral sex and multiple uses of the word “f**k” in a sexualised context.

mpaa rating

R (for an unknown reasoning)

Aussie boy's thoughts

Goodfellas is unarguably the most astonishing biographical mob drama to ever be presented by any film crew; the speed is genuinely exciting, Scorsese’s directing of the story is perfect and the cast is entertainingly strong. This masterpiece is a very ideal and captivating depiction of truthful gangster storytelling.

Despite its prolonged runtime, Goodfellas will become your top favourite thanks to the marvellous directing of Martin Scorsese and graphically realistic performances, especially presented by the unforgettable stars known as Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci. Similar to most of Scorsese’s crime films, you can expect strong adult content such as drug use, graphic violence and constant language. Explicit material, excellent direction and lifelike performances are all you really anticipate for in a mob movie.

Again, don’t worry about the film’s length. Every single scene is entirely necessary and provides you with something. There’s always those uninteresting or slow scenes, but they’re quickly squashed by the engaging next scene. The soundtrack is also very significant and there’s constantly remarkable quotes. It’s an undeniably amazing crime classic! And it’s certainly one of the best films of all time.

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