diary of a wimpy kid: rodrick rules movie review - Aussieboyreviews


Absolutely! Tweens will enjoy the second instalment of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Although it’s fun, it is still potty and isn’t as great as the original.


Whilst returning back to middle school after summer vacation, brothers Greg and Rodrick are always at odds with each other and rarely ever get along. But when their parents try to make them bond, they end up learning to accept and appreciate each other’s presence.

Movie Images

Movie details

Director: David Bowers
Cast: Zachary Gordon, Devon Bostick, Robert Capron, Rachael Harris, Steve Zahn, Peyton List
Writer: Jeff Judah, Gabe Sachs
Release Date: 25 March 2011
Runtime: 99 minutes/1h 39m
Genre: Comedy, Family
Country: USA
Language: English

CONTENT GUIDE (warning: May contain spoilers)

Themes (PG)

The film contains mild crude humour, threat, family arguments and a lengthy scene in which children watch a horror film that may be scary to very young children.

Violence (G)

The film contains brief, occasionally animated, depictions of characters being kicked and punched.

mpaa rating

PG (for some mild rude humor and mischief)

Aussie boy's thoughts

Rodrick Rules continues with it’s memorable and funny cast, alongside new director David Bowers and book-related ideas. This instalment unfortunately can’t beat the first, but families will enjoy picking back up the Wimpy Kid-style humour with a brother-themed message. The change of storyline is really great, but tweens will find that it’s not as fast and lacks a fair amount of charm.

Peyton List is new to the cast, joining Zachary Gordon, Devon Bostick, Robert Capron and Rachael Harris. The familiar characters and childish humour will definitely please all of the Wimpy Kid fans.

But please do not enter Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 with very high expectations. It’s still funny and fast, but is quite overrated despite the great pacing and satisfactory storyline. Families are also best viewing this film after they’ve read Jeff Kinney’s popular books; kids will enjoy both of their ideas.

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